About the Society
The Clan Lamont Society was formed in 1895 in Glasgow, Scotland, under the presidency of Sir James Lamont XIV of Knockdow.
Today we have nearly 1000 members from around the world. There are sister societies in North America and Australia.
Our Objectives
The founders of the Society determined that the objects of the society would be,
the reviving, conserving and promoting of the interests, sentiment and associations of the clan:
cultivation of social intercourse among the members;
the collecting and preserving of records and traditions relating to the clan, and the publication of the same;
the encouragement of education;
the rendering of assistance to deserving clansmen; and,
any other objects which the society may from time to time determine.
Our beginning
The Society's home and now essentially the clan seat, is The Manse in Inverchaolain, situated on the shores of Loch Striven about 14 miles/23 kilometres from Dunoon (see map).
The "Lamont Room" is dedicated to a collection of memorabilia and archive material. Clan members are welcome to visit but should contact us if planning to do so.
Our Home

The Society is managed by an elected Council comprising a President, two Vice-presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the Editor of the Journal and nine Councillors.
The Council meets formally three times a year. The Annual General Meeting is normally held at the time of the Annual Gathering.
The 2024 Council
Mary Lamb
Robert Lamont
Brett Lamont
Colin Lamont
Susan Miles
Charles Lamant
Gordon Connolly
Julie Lamont
Daniel Lamont
John Wilson
Donald Black

Reaching out
We maintain a Lamont presence at various Highland Games such as the Cowal Gathering in Dunoon where the Lamont Shield, gifted by the Society, is awarded annually to the best juvenile piper at the Gathering .
Piping is truly international: the 2023 winner was Liam Nicholson from New South Wales, Australia.
Our President, Mary Lamb at the Oban Games in 2023. The armed escort, we are assured, was purely ceremonial.
Aubigny Sur Nere
Every year, the town of Aubigny sur Nere in the Loire Valley of France celebrates its history and its connections with Scotland in les Fètes Franco Ecossaises. Our President represented us at the 2023 festival.

Cowal Gathering, Dunoon
Oban Games

Although normally an annual event, the Fêtes will not be held in 2024 as France is hosting the Olympic Games this year. The next festival will be 12- 14 July, 2025.